[GSBN] Request from Jim Luce re Haiti

John Glassford jacksflat at gmail.com
Sat Jan 15 01:35:28 UTC 2011

G ' day

I received this request from Jim Luce of Orphans International and I feel
this is the only way to get information to those of you working in Haiti one
way or teh other.

Of interest is the link below on Jim's involvement in housing for Haitian
orphans and of clourse the plan for a university.

Not sure how we can help Jim but someone out there knows or may know someone
who may find it of use.

Kind regards

The Straw Wolf.

Huff 'n' Puff Constructions

Mountains of the Moon Climb 2011

Hi, John – thank you for your consideration.

If you could pass along the update Plan for the Interantional University
Center Haiti – especially to fellow builders working in Haiti – it would be

I have been asked to form the Rotary Chapter of Léogâne, and they will meet
in our Center café.

I was a member of Metro NY Rotary and have now been asked to join the
regular NY Rotary, but I have not yet paid the dues!  LOL

Also, see the story on building out housing for orphan care in Haiti:* Orphans
International Worldwide Haiti to Begin Family Care

Okay, John – we will keep you in the loop!

If you have anyone there who could write about your important work, I would
be happy to help publish it on-line.  Let me know.

All the best – hope you are not where these was flooding!

*Cheers, Jim*
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