[GSBN] SB & Acoustics

Sarah Johnston sarahjohnston at ihug.co.nz
Fri Nov 12 02:42:36 UTC 2010


We've had an inquiry from a local road works company about using straw  
bale as a landscape wall for acoustical reasons along the main highway  
(keep in mind, in this neck of the woods...the main north-south road  
is two lanes only...).

They have requested acoustical research and data.  We have the  
information in Bruce's book, but I thought I would check to see if  
there has been any new testing or research done recently that you  
could share with us?

Does anyone have experience with landscape walls along busy highways?
I'm questioning the overall long-term durability of this type of  
landscape wall.  Your thoughts and input are all welcome.

Many thanks!


Sarah Johnston
Sol Design, Ltd.
50A Connolly Street
Geraldine New Zealand
03 693 7369
sarahjohnston at ihug.co.nz

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