[GSBN] Kiko Thébaud Nomination

Bill Christensen billc at greenbuilder.com
Sun Aug 22 19:27:50 UTC 2010

Kiko has been added to GSBN.

Welcome, Kiko!

At 12:10 PM -0700 8/22/10, Darcey Donovan wrote:
>Dear straw bale friends,
>I would like to nominate Kiko Thébaud to the 
>GSBN list.  Kiko is a Haitian-American architect 
>who has been in discussion with me/PAKSBAB 
>regarding a straw bale house project in Haiti.
>Kiko was born and raised in Port-au-Prince, 
>Haiti.  Prior to coming to the United States for 
>his university education, he was involved in the 
>building industry in Haiti with a focus on the 
>construction of low cost housing.  Kiko has over 
>twenty-two years of experience as an architect, 
>during which time he has worked for nationally 
>recognized architecture and urban design firms 
>in the Boston area and on his own projects.  In 
>1994, he established Atelier Thébaud, a design 
>firm with experience primarily in residential 
>projects along with some commercial buildings. 
>In 2001, his awareness of, and concern for the 
>building industry's impact on the environment 
>led him to conduct research toward more 
>sustainable and passive energy methods of 
>construction with a view to introducing these 
>methods to Haiti among other countries.  Kiko 
>holds a Master of Architecture in Urban Design 
>from Harvard University, and a Bachelor of 
>Architecture from the Boston Architectural 
>I believe Kiko's membership in the GSBN would 
>greatly benefit the project in Haiti and that he 
>would be a thoughtful contributor to this list. 
>His email address is 
><mailto:kikothebaud at gmail.com>kikothebaud at gmail.com.
>Kind regards,
>Darcey Donovan, P.E., C.E.O.
>Pakistan Straw Bale and Appropriate Building (PAKSBAB)
>P.O. Box 1083
>Truckee, CA 96160 USA
>(530) 902-5516 cell
>(530) 582-4965 fax
>0344-9455664 PAK
>darceydonovan Skype
><mailto:ecoengr at sbcglobal.net>darcey at paksbab.org

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