[GSBN] Message From Portland

Tom Hahn tomhahn at econet.org
Wed Jul 21 17:17:44 UTC 2010

I second the nomination.  Mark just spent a couple of days with us at 
Ecosa, and I fully agree with Tony's  sense of Mark, his work and 
potential contribution to GSBN...

Tom Hahn
Ecosa Institute

>Most of you have probably heard of Mark Lakeman and City Repair in 
>Portland. They have taken natural building into the urban core, and 
>produce some of the most exciting and educational projects in the 
>practice we call sustainability.
>While at the recent 10th Village Building Convergence, I spent some 
>time on a project in Mark's house, retrofitting his living room with 
>a straw clay infill. This is a demonstration project to further the 
>efforts of what I believe is called the Code Project in Portland, 
>whereby an alternative, systematic approach to incorporating 
>alternatives into mainstream use is envisioned. They have covered 
>much ground there, progressing on multiple fronts, and I believe 
>could benefit from the wisdom of this group.
>I'm not sure how attachments are handled on this list. What I can do 
>is try including their application along with Mark's message and see 
>what happens. If this doesn't work, I can provide a link to download 
>the file, and perhaps some photos I took of this particular process.
>Lastly, I would like to nominate Mark Lakeman for inclusion on this 
>list. his wisdom and experience as an architect and urban planner 
>fortify his huge portfolio of natural building projects and 
>community organizing. I believe this would be a mutually beneficial 
>inclusion to this excellent company. He is truly one of the most 
>visionary individuals I have had the pleasure of meeting.
>All best wishes!!!
>Tony Novelli
>DCAT / Vital Systems
>Ukiah CA
>P.S. Attention Chris Magwood... your input was specifically sought 
>by Mark for this application. (and a thousand thanks for the CD... 
>what a rocker!)

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