[GSBN] Chasing any fire test info

Bohdan Dorniak bdco at adam.com.au
Wed Oct 7 23:20:35 UTC 2009

Hi all
Here in Australia testing for bushfires(wildfires) is based on a moving fire
onto a building surface - in our case being a rendered strawbale wall.
As Brian has requested the original fire tests were required to be done to a
lower than present fire intensity (29kW per sq metre) than what is now
required for the new standards. Following the devastating bushfires that we
had in Victoria where some 180 lives were lost ,the  fire intensity was
regarded as greater than the original Australian Standards required, new
levels of fire intensity are now required are 40kW per sq metre.
Our Australian fire tests done on materials for a fire rating are a static
test where heat/flames are applied until the materials fail. These tests are
very different to those required for bushfires.
So different techniques are required in Australia for testing for bushfires
(wild fires).
I am not sure how other countries test materials for bushfire categories.
Any comments please?

Bohdan Dorniak

-----Original Message-----
From: GSBN-bounces at greenbuilder.com [mailto:GSBN-bounces at greenbuilder.com]
On Behalf Of BuildersWithoutBorders
Sent: Thursday, 8 October 2009 8:15 AM
To: (private, with public archives) Global Straw Building Network
Subject: Re: [GSBN] Chasing any fire test info

At 01:07 AM 10/5/2009, you wrote:
>...........if anyone has information on fire tests or bushfire tests 
>that might be of assistance I would greatly appreciate it if you could 
>pass on the details.
>Regards, Brian Hodge

Dear Brian --

As noted by others on this list, the most recent fire testing by Bruce
King's Ecological Building Network is probably the most definitive to date.
But there has also been a fire test with excellent results accomplished in
Germany.  This is shown in the Ecofilm DVD called Houses of Straw, and
perhaps Dirk Scharmer or Herbert Gruber could point you to these test
results on the web.

I have also had good reports from people viewing my video, Straw Bale Code
Testing, which shows a successful 2-hour small-scale fire test done in New
Mexico in 1994.  While this test had some flaws in the lack of final report,
etc., the video does effectively show the testing process, and how stuccoed
straw resists combustion.  Perhaps the combination of all these existing
resources will be helpful and persuasive.

I have copies of the Ecofilm DVD, Houses of Straw, and Straw Bale Code
Testing (in PAL video format), which I could make available and mail to you
at cost if they would be helpful to you.

Catherine Wanek
Builders Without Borders
<mail at builderswithoutborders.org>

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