[GSBN] TLS and Joyce Update

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at windstream.net
Tue Aug 4 01:47:19 UTC 2009

Hello to everyone on the GSBN,

I've replied directly to Andy about his subscription offline...but thought
you all might like an update on TLS and my efforts to resume publication, so
here 'tis.

Rumors of my demise and the demise of TLS are just not true. There was just
a delay. I have returned to work full time after two years of health
problems including two hospitalizations - and nearly a year to recuperate. I
continue to push forward personally and professionally and am trying very
hard to get TLS back on schedule, moving ahead and prospering while keeping
myself healthy and productive.

One issue of TLS has been published since I've resumed work - TLS#59 - it
currently available in pdf format only (the print copy will come along as
TLS' cash flow resumes). I can convert the remaining issues of your current
subscription  over to the pdf format so that you receive all the issues you
have paid for. You just have to let me know that you want to receive the pdf
version and I'll take care of the process for you.

Once the subscription is converted by me through the online ordering system,
you will receive notice of a password for each individual issue as it
becomes available. For example, If you send me an email telling me you want
to reume with the pdf of #59, within a few days you will receive the
password for this pdf issue and instructions about how to access it through
the TLS online ordering system on the web site.

And you will immediately receive an email from me telling you the online
order account password (not the same as issue password) that I have set up
for you (you can change this account password later if you want to). The
account password should be written down so that you can use it to renew your
subscription or order back issues in the future.

The pdf version of issues #41 through current issue all have color photos,
when available. I think the color photos make a real difference, and would
include them in the print version as well - but it's too costly, so they'll
only be available in the pdf versions. The pdf version includes exactly the
same content as the print versions. You can save the pdf to your computer or
a CD or DVD, and may print out a page, an article or the entire issue for
your personal use (TLS is copyrighted). The pdf version saves time and
paper, and costs less as there is no printing and mailing involved.

I am currently working on TLS#60/Details, #61/Women in Strawbale & Natural
Building, #62/Putting a Project Together, and #63/Commercial & Industrial
Buildings. If you have any articles, tech tips, project pages, news, book
reviews, product information or any other contributions for any of these
issues, please send it to me as soon as you can. I¹m not currently working
on any deadline or schedule as I¹m trying to get these issues prepared and
available in pdf format as quickly as I can.  So if you have anything for
#60, send it right away as I¹m nearly done with the preliminary layout, and
am working on all of the other issues mentioned.

I'm also working on an update to the TLS resource guide - don't know when it
will be released as yet - but wanted to let you know it's in the works. If
you have any contributions to make to the guide, please send them, too. The
resource guide categories are listed on the TLS web site and will remain
pretty much the same. I'm trying to check and update each entry and add new
ones - so now's your chance to help with this process.

And news is forthcoming about an exciting new feature being added to the TLS
web site!

That's enough for now. If you want to communicate with me or send content
for TLS at any time, just send an email to the TLS email address:
<thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>

Thanks to those of you who expressed concern and sent kind words of caring
and support. It's deeply appreciated!

Joyce Coppinger
Managing Editor/Publisher
The Last Straw, the international journal
of strawbale and natural building
PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161
<thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>

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