[GSBN] Historic SBH Tour (was re: The Scott Home)

RT ArchiLogic at yahoo.ca
Thu Apr 23 18:08:36 UTC 2009

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 13:00:12 -0400, <gsbn-request at greenbuilder.com> wrote:
> From: "Brian Hodge" <brian at anvill.com.au>
> Subject: Re: [GSBN] The Scott Home
> Re: [GSBN] The Scott HomeHi Joyce,
> I for one would be interested in going on a tour of the old buildings  
> given that I have enough advance warning to arrange my schedule.

Here's a thought:

What about someone taking along a video camera and recording the tour  
(maybe including
some of the jibber-jabbering amongst the BaleHead tour-ists, commentary by  
the house occupants, interviews with Old Timers about reminiscences from  
"back in the olde days) etc.  ... and then making copies of the whole  
schmozzle available on DVD ?

Throw in some musical accompaniment (by BaleHeads of course) and then we  
might even go Hollywood with this thing.

You think ?

=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
< A r c h i L o g i c  at  ChaffY a h o o  dot  C a >
(manually winnow the chaff from my edress in your reply)
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