[GSBN] small strawbale home plans

BuildersWithoutBorders mail at builderswithoutborders.org
Tue Apr 21 04:03:23 UTC 2009

Greetings...  I am forwarding this from Owen Geiger.  I think these 
two new website/blogs are useful resources:

".....I have a new straw bale house plan site at 
http://strawbaleplans.wordpress.com/ and a sister site for earthbag 
plans at http://earthbagplans.wordpress.com/. Both sites feature 
small, affordable and sustainable house plans. Many plans can be 
built with either bales or earthbags, or in combination.

At this point I am only offering preliminary drawings to convey the 
main ideas, therefore there are no measurements. Also, porches, 
decks, etc. have been deleted to better fit the limited space on the 
blog.  Both sites are set up to accept comments -- a key reason for 
choosing Wordpress blogs..."
-Owen Geiger  www.grisb.org

Catherine Wanek
Builders Without Borders
<mail at builderswithoutborders.org>

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