[GSBN] Gypsum
Athena & Bill Steen
absteen at dakotacom.net
Tue Feb 10 21:31:35 UTC 2009
Then obviously the key to using gypsum in that way is either the type
or preparation of the material. With some certainty I would say that
the gypsum plaster products that are commonly found in this country
would not be suitable.
On Feb 10, 2009, at 2:15 PM, forum at lamaisonenpaille.com wrote:
> Like Bill (and probably many others) I too used to think that the
> Earth was flat,.... uh..... that gypsum is only to be used on
> interior walls. That was until I saw a beautiful rose gypsum
> fountain on an ecological festival. The point the stand-holder
> wanted to make with that fountain was that certain gypsums are
> remarkebly water resistant. They can and have been used on façades
> for centuries (in fact since 7000 BC). The guy wrote a leaflet on
> the production of natural gypsum but unfortunatly it is so thin I
> cannot locate it in my library so I cannot find the name of the guy
> who deserves the credit. He told me to not make the very common
> mistake to think that the gypsum we find in the regular building
> store is really that: pure natural gypsum.
> As for Mark Potin of www.platre.com. I found him to be passionate
> and very knowledgable both in building history and in science (wich
> of course makes him the perfect gypsum salesperson). Quite a few
> positive things can be said about good natural gypsum but I'll leave
> that up to Mark. Like Kiba, I would very much suggest CASBA or any
> other SB organisation that holds gatherings to invite him for a
> presentation.
> I can also invite him on the GSBN if you don't mind another garlic
> eater on board (lucky for you smell is still not transferred as an
> email attachment).
> To cite a phrase Marc wrote to boast gypsum plaster when talking
> about the abundance of outside gypsum plaster in France, Germany,
> Middle & Far East and coastal North Africa (replaced by hydraulic
> binders since the early 20th century) : "...in Paris of course, but
> also in Rouen and Biarritz, there are still tens of thousands multi
> story buildings (up to 5 stories) of post and beam filled with cob
> or gypsum that are gypsum plasted on the outside".
> Since my gypsum revelation at the ecological festival I've been
> searching for documentation on its traditional use but have yet to
> find a 300 page book on the subject.
> Bye,
> André 'old worlder' de Bouter
> France
>>> Now, when we are shifting this fascinating discussion about
>>> expansion joints towards use of lime, cement, clay and gypsum on
>>> straw, I'd like to contribute with draft of a report from a
>>> meeting with a knowledgeable person who is convinced the gypsum
>>> plaster is the way to go (I believe Andre, who has been previously
>>> trying to bring the gypsum plaster to our attention, knows Mark -
>>> he is quite famous in French strawbale building circles - and, as
>>> he is frequently selling his products in America, may be in the US
>>> as well?), Please see: www.amazonails.org.uk/gypsum.pdf
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Love
>>> Kuba
>> I think it's important to point out that gypsum is limited to use
>> on the interior walls of the building and by some reason combining
>> it with lime makes it supposedly suitable for exterior use, I would
>> say that it would be highly questionable.
>> Bill
>> Athena & Bill Steen
>> The Canelo Project
>> HC1 Box 324
>> Canelo/Elgin, AZ 85611
>> absteen at dakotacom.net
>> www.caneloproject.com
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Athena & Bill Steen
The Canelo Project
HC1 Box 324
Canelo/Elgin, AZ 85611
absteen at dakotacom.net
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