[GSBN] use of ashes in clay plasters and/or floors

Athena & Bill Steen absteen at dakotacom.net
Thu Feb 5 19:22:13 UTC 2009

Years back, when I was essentially trying out every conceivable method  
about improving earth plasters via suggestions from books, folklore,  
heresay, basically whatever I could get my hands on, I tried using ash  
in a  variety of methods.  It's been too long to remember exactly what  
I did, but the short of it is, I came to the conclusion that I  
couldn't notice anything worth pursuing further.

On Feb 4, 2009, at 6:14 AM, Rikki Nitzkin wrote:

> Hi all in a debate on the Spanish list serve, talking about  
> "insulating" clay floors, the following observation was made:
> "Otra pregunta: no sé si en la capa de aislamiento se podría añadir  
> además ceniza?. Sé que la ceniza se utiliza como muy buen aislante  
> en hornos de barro tanto en la solera del horno como mezclada con el  
> barro (yo mismo la he empleado). Sería una posibilidad de reutilizar  
> un residuo sobretodo la gente que produce cantidades importantes  
> (chimeneas, cocinas económicas, estufas...)."
> "one more question: I don't know if in the insulation layer (of the  
> clay floor) it would be possible to add ashes? I know that ashes are  
> frequently used as good insulation in clay ovens-both in the floor  
> of the oven and in the clay. Would it be possible to re-use a  
> residue (ashes) that many people produce in important cuantities?
> note: here in spain a lot of people still use wood-burning stoves  
> and ovens, as well as fire-places...
> Any thoughts or comments?
> Rikki
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Athena & Bill Steen
The Canelo Project
HC1 Box 324
Canelo/Elgin, AZ 85611
absteen at dakotacom.net

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