jeff Ruppert jeff at odiseanet.com
Thu Feb 8 22:40:48 UTC 2018

Hello Everyone,

I am going to reach back out to this network since it was here I had the best success so far.

The Last Straw has become too much to handle and I actually had a new editor/publisher lined up, but that arrangement fell through.  I then was in discussion with Home Power magazine to take it over, but that fizzled.  Most recently I’ve been corresponding with Crispin in New Zealand about it, but he is too busy with his own stuff.  I’m afraid I’m feeling at the end here and need to reach back out to see if anyone out there would like to take it on.  Free of charge, full of responsibility.  It really is a fun thing to work on if you can dedicate the time to it.  The website is still good and gets alot of visitors, but we are not taking new subscriptions due to not being able to deliver.

Anyway, please let me know if you’d like talk about either yourself or someone you know who is able and worthy of taking it on.



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