[GSBN] Multi-day delay (was: Re: using loose straw insulation in roof)

Bill Christensen - lists lists at sustainablesources.com
Thu Nov 2 03:11:35 UTC 2017

Apologies for the brief interruption of GSBN.

The list server had a hiccup.  All is well now.

While I have your attention, I'd like to remind everyone to PLEASE trim
your posts.  There's no need to include all the previous responses in your
reply.  If you need to quote anything to establish context in your
response, please do, but please only quote enough to remind as needed.  A
handful of reasons:

1) we've all gotten them already
2) those who are on Digest mode have to wade through multiple repeats of
every previous post to find the new material
3) each post is sent to over 200 subscribers. Huge posts multiplied by 200+
tends to bog down the server.  (this was not the cause of the recent
hiccup, btw)
4) it also tends to clog up the archives with repeats of the same emails.


On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 9:00 AM, Rikki Nitzkin <rikkinitzkin at gmail.com>

> HI all,
> How interesting this debate!
> One side note. I sent that last email on Oct 27, but GSBN didn’t receive
> it until Oct 31. Anyone else ever experience a multi-day delay?
> I got it today.
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