[GSBN] EnergyPlus and hot arid sb

August Hasz hasz at reginc.com
Mon Oct 17 17:17:02 UTC 2016

We have used EnergyPlus in a variety of climates, including hot and humid, some hot and dry etc. From our review of the modeling outputs, I believe the results that our models have generated are on target for the expected mass effects, delay in peaks, etc. from outside temperatures, solar incident radiation and equipment/lighting loads.

I don’t have a lot of bandwidth to discuss details, but one of our project engineers might, feel free to send me a email directly and we can discuss further.

Good luck-


August Hasz, P.E. 
President + Principal Engineer
Resource Engineering Group, Inc.
Mail: Box 3725
Delivery: 502 Whiterock Ave., Suite 102
Crested Butte, CO 81224 USA
Office: 970.349.1216
Cell: 970.275.3603
hasz at reginc.com <mailto:houghton at reginc.com> 
www.reginc.com <http://www.reginc.com/>

> On Oct 7, 2016, at 8:15 AM, Alex Cicelsky (Kibbutz Lotan) <alex at klotan.co.il> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I'm starting my PhD into zero-energy buildings for hot, dry climates. Yes, of course I will focus on energy conservation. 
> a. I would appreciate contacts with good folk who have been working on this issue in climates with no diurnal temperature changes - that is hot days And nights - and 24/7 cooling loads.
> b. My advisor suggests I do the modeling work (there will be test cell monitoring in the future) with EnergyPlus. This is completely new to me and I would appreciate communicating with someone who has used it along with a graphic interface like sketchup or autocad.
> c. Do you know of folk who have put straw bales into EnergyPlus?
> Thanks,
> Alex 
> Alex Cicelsky 
> Center for Creative Ecology | Kibbutz Lotan 88855 Israel 
> +972-54-979-9009 |  alex at klotan.co.il <mailto:alex at klotan.co.il> | alex.cicelsky at gmail.com <mailto:alex.cicelsky at gmail.com> |  www.facebook.com/alex.cicelsky <http://www.facebook.com/alex.cicelsky> | www.linkedin.com/in/alexcicelsky <http://www.linkedin.com/in/alexcicelsky>
> www.KibbutzLotan.com <http://www.kibbutzlotan.com/>
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