[GSBN] Termites

john rehorn rehorn at frontier.net
Fri Apr 18 03:43:54 UTC 2014

Borax mixed with peanut butter and jelly.  Make a batch of it and put it in bottle caps around the house.  It worked on sugar ants.  The workers took it home to their queen and it killed the colony.  Maybe it will work with termites.  Good luck.

On Apr 17, 2014, at 9:30 PM, Misha Rauchwerger wrote:

> I thought I'd debunk the idea that straw bale and cob homes are immune to termites.  As of yesterday, termites began erupting (literally little volcanoes) out of a wooden bench on a cob base in the cob house, and from a dead-man in the cob wall, and I'm finding them on the floor the straw bale house too.  There's something going on with their life-cycle for them to be appearing at the same time in both places.
> 1.  Has anyone else had experience with termites in natural buildings?
> 2.  Does anyone know of any natural means of eradicating them?
> 3.  Are there best practices and architectural details to prevent this issue?
> Thanks,
> Misha Rauchwerger
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