[GSBN] Hands Up if You are an Earth-Related Practitioner

Sarah Machtey mudhome at netzero.net
Fri Mar 14 23:00:59 UTC 2014

Thanks, Andy! 

Name - email contact - website - type(s) of earth construction - involvement - Country, province/State & city/town/place

Feile Butler feile at mudandwood.com www.mudandwood.com cob / earth plasters / earth floors builder / trainer / architect

Kevin Rowell kevin at naturalbuilding.com www.naturalbulding.com All, any, often ( floor to ceiling dirt workers) Building Contractor, educator, consultant

Misha Rauchwerger misha.rauchwerger at gmail.com www.builtinbliss.comcob/lime/earth plasters/ other composites builder/research/education/design

Andy Horn: andy at ecodesignarchitects.co.za www.ecodesignarchitects.co.za cob / adobe / earthen & lime plasters / light straw clay / wattle and daub architect / builder / trainer / educator / consultant........South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

Sarah Machtey - sarah at SageEarth.com, mudhome at netzero.net - www.SageEarth.com - cob/earth plaster/lime plaster/everything else (modern and historic) - building/designing/consulting/training/sculpting - USA, Vermont, Bellows Falls 

Name Ian E. Redfern email contact ian at adobesouth.co.nz website adobesouth.co.nz type(s) of earth construction adobe, stabilized poured earth, pressed earth brick involvement architectural designer, mentor to owner-builders, owner-built our home and studio, lime plasters & lime washes, research and applications.

Graeme North graeme at ecodesign.co.nz www.ecodesign.co.nz mud brick/adobe, cob, wattle and daub, earth plasters, earth floors, high and low density earth eg cob and adobe, pressed earth brick, rammed earth (not keen on crappy concrete earth mixes) Registered Architect, (lots and lots of earth building designs) Educator (mostly workshops) Inaugural Chair of the Earth Building Assoc. of NZ Chair of Standards New Zealand Committee for earth building Earth Building Consultant - design/specifier, peer review, specialist reports, advisor Appropriate technology and permaculture

Robert Laporte robert at econest.com, www.econesthomes.com, specializing in light straw clay and timber-frame technique, educator/builder

Paula Baker-Laporte paula at econest.com, www.econesthomes.com,www.paulabakerlaporte.com, light straw clay and timber frame design, healthy home design and consulting, architect/educator

Anthony Dente - Dente.a at gmail.com - http://kdse.net/ - cob, rammed earth, earth plasters on straw bale - Engineer - USA, California, Oakland

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 2:13 AM, Andy Horn <andy at ecodesignarchitects.co.za> wrote:

Hi Felie

Just thought should we not add the country & Province/State & town/city that we operate from????

I have added it to my contact below along with a couple of other additions to "involvement" along with an attempt at a complete list of everyone so far.

From: Anthony Dente <dente.a at gmail.com>
To: Global Straw Building Network <GSBN at sustainablesources.com>
Subject: Re: [GSBN] Hands Up if You are an Earth-Related Practitioner
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 08:47:55 -0700
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