[GSBN] Straw bale survives the recent New Zealand earthquake

Lance Kairl sabale at bigpond.com
Mon Jan 27 01:21:59 UTC 2014


Hi all

My two bobs worth.


To me it looks like a post and beam structure with the posts in the centre
of the wall, Perhaps with Only straw as the bracing ,  render skins in that
case would only partially absorb forces!

In the shake it would compress the straw on one side and then the other as
it sways, creating stresses further along the walls,

And with any oscillation of the posts result in a vertical crack in the
render adjacent to the post.


Note crap window sill / render detail .

I'm glad we don't build them like that, and don't have 6.5 + quakes to deal


Like many of us would love to be there to inspect and learn.

Cheers lance.





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