[GSBN] The EU wants 5% strawbuildings by 2020 says the Economist..

Valentina Maini vmaini at mac.com
Thu Dec 19 10:03:54 UTC 2013

Dear John and all,
Really sorry i wrote too quick and my english is not good enough!

I Love strawbale, strawbale prefab panels, EU funded investigations, Bath University, Modcell and you all!!

To explain more complex idea, as was intended, my english is not good enough sorry !!' My words were out of place and not well choosen!!

Best regards, valentina

> El 19/12/2013, a las 04:59, John Glassford <jacksflat at gmail.com> escribió:
> G ' day Balers
> Been a while since I contributed on GSBN been kind of busy working.
> I am not happy with the term "greenwash."  Simply makes no sense at all to me.
> If we are serious about the environment and global warming and believe it does and is happening, then surely using straw in all it's forms should be our mission.  Australia is a small country, population wise, and I am told that around 126,000 new homes are built each year.  Our population is around 23 million.
> Our rice farmers in the South of New South Wales burn annually 1 million tonnes of rice straw.  Rice is not a big crop compared to wheat.  I have no idea how much wheat straw is burnt annually, several million tonnes at a guess.  
> However 1 million tonnes of straw will build aprox. 44,000 three bed room homes.  We have no chance of getting our builders and architects building this number of bale homes annually too much at stake for the BIG companies who produce treated pine, concrete, bricks and steel.
> As long as we see straw bale as a niche market and a  small one at that then we will never walk the talk.  I love what Modcell are doing and we will do our bit with our SITUPS over the next few years and we hope that builders will "situp" and take note.
> On the point made about using a raw material from a by product of large commercial grain farms and not being a safe material, what nonsense.  How safe is treated pine or acrylic paints or carpets so on and so forth.  What damage does PVC do?  
> Life is full of compromise and compromise we must to make use of a wonderful product that we call straw no matter where it comes from or how it is grown.
> If we can show the building professionals that straw bale panels or straw bales can be commercially viable then it is our duty to do so.  I have been on this list for many years now and will continue to contribute my thoughts.  I do not mean to offend the writers BUT:
> Greenwash my foot!
> Kind regards
> The Straw Wolf
> Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
> http://www.glassford.com.au
> 61 2 6927 6027
> In Australia (02) 6927 6027
> Mobile 0412 11 61 57
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