[GSBN] Modeling or measuring mass effect of interior plaster

John Swearingen jswearingen at skillful-means.com
Wed May 8 01:25:26 UTC 2013

>  At some point, adding more thermal mass will have little effect, because
> of the low temperature swing and the resulting low delta T across the
> thermal mass.  After this point, adding more thermal mass wouldn't help
> much, but I'm not seeing how it would have a negative effect, either.
>  Unless the residents found consistent temperatures monotonous.

We've recently completed a pretty high mass house.  Strawbale with
lime/cement plaster, and an Air Floor <http://www.airfloor.com/> system
which consists of 6" of tunnels sitting on a 4" slab and drenched in
concrete with a 2" topping slab.  Conditioned air is sent first through the
floor, where it drops a large portion, about 2/3, of its heat into the
slab, which becomes a radiant heater/cooler, and the rest is blown into the
room.  The building temperature is remarkably stable.  We took measurements
this winter when the temperature went from a maximum 58F to about 30F at
night.  The owners turned off the heating system at 9-10pm when the bedroom
was 68F.  In the morning it had dropped only one degree, even though the
room has an abundance of glazing: French doors and a large window seat.

The high mass floor system has one complication, noted last fall: the
system is slow to respond in the short term. The owners have not shaded
their glazing, so when rooms get a lot of direct gain, the HVAC system does
not immediately cool the room, as a conventional system would do.  However,
the rooms also don't get very hot, because the mass absorbs the solar
gain--and we're only talking about a 3-4 F rise.

John "Hot Air" Swearingen

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Derek Stearns Roff <derek at unm.edu> wrote:

>  Thanks for posting the article on thermal mass, Bohdan.  I found it very
> interesting.  Based on the data it contains, I have a few comments relevant
> to Laura's situation.
>  As John mentioned, the article emphasizes that it is addressing thermal
> mass with direct solar exposure/gain.  However, I didn't see anything
> quantifying what amount of time the sun needs to shine on each bit of
> thermal mass floor and wall each day, in order to attain the listed
> results.  As the sun moves across the sky, some parts of the floor and
> walls will receive direct sunlight for only a few minutes, while other
> locations will be in the sun for several hours per day.  The amount of
> furniture, area rugs, and wall decorations will also affect how much sun
> shines on thermal mass.  I'm thinking that as the amount of time in the sun
> decreases, the needed surface area of the thermal mass needs to increase,
> to get the same thermal mass effect.  The total mass of the thermal mass
> might need to increase a bit, too.
>  At 6000 sq ft/560m3, Laŭra's project will likely have a higher floor
> area to wall area ratio than smaller houses.  By itself, this might
> decrease the importance of the thermal mass in the walls.  However,
> depending on the number of stories and the floor plan, a large project
> might have a smaller percentage of floor and wall area accessible to direct
> sun.  That would increase the importance of maximizing the surface area of
> the thermal mass.
>  Laura didn't say where this project will be built, but I'm guessing it
> might have a climate closer to the "cold European climate" listed in the
> article, rather than to the alternative Melbourne figures.  The article
> quotes Vale and Vale as suggesting 1,200kg of thermal mass for each square
> meter of floor area.  It's worth noting that all this thermal mass could
> not be in the floor.  If it were, the thermal mass floor would need to be
> about .5m/20" thick.  Not only is that absurd from a construction
> perspective, but much of the mass in a slab that thick would not respond to
> daily temperature variation.  My reading is that walls have to be involved
> in the thermal mass equation, to get the results described.
>  At the top right of page 7, the article says that temperature modeling
> for the three reference building variations (low-mass, medium-mass, and
> high-mass) are predicted to have similar maximum temperatures.  However,
> the numbers in the chart paint a different picture, as I see it.  Table 3
> shows the maximum temperature at the hottest part of the summer as 32
> degrees C/90 degrees F for the low mass house, contrasted with 25 C/77 F
> for the high-mass house.  To me, that's the difference between the average
> American demanding air conditioning (or feeling that they are suffering),
> versus a temperature that many would find acceptable.  23 C/77 F is pretty
> comfortable, when the radiant surfaces (ceiling, walls and floors) are at a
> similar temperature or lower, as they would be in a well-insulated home.
>  That temperature can feel uncomfortable, if the radiant surfaces have
> heated up to 30 C/86 F or more.
>  Table 3 also shows surprising figures for the morning lows in the
> hottest month.  The low-mass building is predicted to be at 16 C/61 F on a
> summer morning.  Some residents would be turning on the heat in the
> morning, and the air conditioning in the afternoon.  The high-mass building
> will get down to a comfortable 20 C/68 F on the same summer morning.  To
> the extent that covering the walls with barn wood will diminish the
> effective thermal mass, as Laura describes, it could have a significant
> impact on comfort in the summer.  The winter figures indicate substantially
> greater differences between high-mass and low-mass temperature variations.
>  I also conclude that Hobart has a pretty pleasant temperature range.
>  I agree with David, that uninsulated thermal mass can easily be a
> liability.  I'm not sure the same is true for well-insulated thermal mass.
>  A large amount of thermal mass combined with a well-insulated building
> envelope will result in small daily temperature variations.  At some point,
> adding more thermal mass will have little effect, because of the low
> temperature swing and the resulting low delta T across the thermal mass.
>  After this point, adding more thermal mass wouldn't help much, but I'm not
> seeing how it would have a negative effect, either.  Unless the residents
> found consistent temperatures monotonous.
>  Derek
>  On May 6, 2013, at 7:05 PM, Bohdan Dorniak wrote:
>   Hi All****
>  This is a note that has been published by the Australian Institute of
> Architects regarding Thermal Mass.****
>  I thought that you may find this interesting? Any comments John?? Laura??
> ****
>  Regards****
>  Bohdan Dorniak****
>  ** **
>  *From:* GSBN-bounces at sustainablesources.com [mailto:
> GSBN-bounces at sustainablesources.com] *On Behalf Of *John Swearingen
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 7 May 2013 9:38 AM
> *To:* Global Straw Building Network
> *Subject:* Re: [GSBN] Modeling or measuring mass effect of interior
> plaster****
>  ** **
>  Laura,****
>  ** **
>   Modeling thermal mass is generally difficult because of the large
> variable conditions of heat transfer related to air circulation. We've done
> this in Energy-10 with some success, and usually our projections have come
> out on the conservative side--the temperature swings have been less than we
> calculated. ****
>   ** **
>   The other very large variable is climate--temperatures and sunshine at
> different times of the year. Everyone I know who does this successfully had
> dialed it in from years of experience in one particular climate, with which
> they are familiar.****
>   ** **
>   As to whether the walls make a difference,  the short answer is, I
> think it makes a big difference, and that many of the lauded
> characteristics of thermal comfort in straw bale buildings may have as much
> to do with the thermal mass on the walls as with the insulation.  Modulated
> temperature swings can influence occupant behavior positively, reducing
> reliance on mechanical systems, over and above straight Btu calculations.*
> ***
>   ** **
>   The ultimate efficiency of thermal mass is tied to the heat-transfer
> mechanism for exchanging heat between the mass and the rest of the building
> (air).  A floor slab is thick and of limited surface area; bale walls are
> thin with a much larger surface area. So floor slabs are longer term
> storage, and walls  function very effectively to modulate temperature
> swings on a short term (diurnal) cycle which can reduce loads on mechanical
> systems and increase comfort in passive buildings.  I don't think there is
> too much danger of over-massing, and haven't seen it in our buildings,
> because the relatively thin mass of the walls, backed by insulation and
> actively transferring heat, stays close to room temperature and so isn't
> felt as too cold or hot.****
>   ** **
>   Temperature modulation can result in significant changes in how
> mechanical heating and cooling are used by the occupants: if the building
> is slow to cool off at night, for instance, the occupants don't call for
> heat early in the evening.  The key here is responsiveness, which is
> related to surface area. Mass walls also help to distribute Btu's somewhat
> between warmer and cooler areas of the building: cooler walls will absorb
> heat more readily than warm walls, so they are somewhat of a magnet for
> warm air when located in cooler areas of the building.  ****
>   ** **
>   Well, hope this helps!****
>   ** **
>   John.****
>   ** **
>   ** **
> ** **
>  On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Laura Bartels <laura at greenweaver.com>
> wrote:****
>   Hello All,****
>   ** **
>   I'm writing to ask if anyone has had experience with modeling or
> measuring the mass effect of interior plaster of bale walls versus other
> interior finishes. This has come up on a straw bale project in design phase
> I've involved in which has a net zero energy goal. The project is large,
> about 6000 sf. The owners are interested in  barnwood interior wall
> surfaces (over plaster) on all or some walls. With the net zero goal, the
> question is what we might lose in having wood rather than exposed plaster.
> There will be adobe floors which will already provide direct and indirect
> gain mass.  ****
>   ** **
>   Anyone tackled this topic or have a guess about how to look at this?
> Our team has talked about estimating direct vs. indirect gain wall surfaces
> through sun studies in ArchiCAD as a starting point. ****
>   ** **
>   Looking forward to hearing any thoughts on this.****
>   ** **
>   Laura****
>   ** **
>   ** **
>      *Laura Bartels*****
>   *GreenWeaver Inc.*****
>  *520 S. Third St., Suite 5 *****
>   *Carbondale, CO 81623
> 970-379-6779
> www.greenweaverinc.com*****
>   * *
> <image001.jpg>****
>  ** **
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> GSBN mailing list
> GSBN at sustainablesources.com
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> ****
>  ** **
>  --
> John Swearingen
> Skillful Means Design & Construction
> 2550 9th Street   Suite 209A
> Berkeley, CA   94710
> 510.849.1800 phone
> 510.849.1900 fax
> Web Site:  http://www.skillful-means.com
> Blog:         https://skillfulmeansdesign.wordpress.com****
>  <EDG_76_AuSES-2_Tas_ThermaL_Mass.pdf>
> _______________________________________________
> GSBN mailing list
> GSBN at sustainablesources.com
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> Derek Roff
> derek at unm.edu
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> GSBN mailing list
> GSBN at sustainablesources.com
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John Swearingen
Skillful Means Design & Construction
2550 9th Street   Suite 209A
Berkeley, CA   94710
510.849.1800 phone
510.849.1900 fax

Web Site:  http://www.skillful-means.com
Blog:         https://skillfulmeansdesign.wordpress.com
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