[GSBN] Looking for Straw builder in AROZONA USA

Lance Kairl sabale at bigpond.com
Sat Jan 26 09:28:19 UTC 2013

Greetings to all on the list,

Someone out there can help Julie build her house,

Feel free to contact her direct.

Cheers Lance




From: julie newcombe [mailto:jknewcombe at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 18 December 2012 3:39 PM
To: sabale at bigpond.com
Subject: Advice for a Food Forest Farm volunteer.


Hi there Lance,


Im currently working with Graham and Anna Marie at the Food Forest and we've
been having some long conversations about straw bale building.....I've done
a fare bit of volunteering and even some paid work helping others build
their straw bale walls, render their walls, paint their walls.... and fix
earth floors, make cob ovens etc but I've never seen a project from the get
go to the end and I hope that one day, in the not too distant future while i
still have the energy and have the savings.....(i'm 31 and my partners 39)
to build our own home in Arizona, USA.

What I've learnt though is that it's really worth having someone on board
who knows their stuff from head to toe to over see the whole thing, or at
least the foundations and the roofing. Like you did with Graham and Anna
Marie and obviously many more.


....As i was chatting about who might know of such Straw bale builders in
the USA your name came up :) Would you have any advice on who would be worth
approaching in regards to helping to plan / manage the construction of a
Straw bale home in the south west?


Look forward to hearing from you.....Happy Christmas by the way!


Julie Newcombe

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