[GSBN] Future Nominations

Bill Christensen lists at sustainablesources.com
Sat Nov 10 07:54:50 UTC 2012

Hey folks,

For ease of adding future nominees, please ask them to add themselves to 
the list, including their real name (follow the last link at 
http://sustainablesources.com/gsbn/).  That way, once they've been 
seconded, thirded... nth'ed I can just go in there and change them from 
read-only mode to direct participant mode. They'll also be able to start 
receiving GSBN emails immediately so they can come up to speed on 
whatever we happen to be discussing more quickly.

Either that or their inclusion is likely to be delayed while I request 
their email addresses, invite them, wait for their response, then find 
time to manually subscribe them.  It's a lot faster if they're already 

Which reminds me, I never got an email address for PennElys Droze, who 
was also nominated after ISBC, nor did I see seconds on Mark S's 
suggestion of her.  Please chime in (or email me offlist if you prefer) 
on your thoughts.

And I just realized, going back through the recent spate of nomination 
emails, that I have not yet added Christina Goodvin. I'll shoot 
something out to her soon.

And what about Dan Chiras?  Should we just decide that he needs to be on 
this list, then let him figure out how to get off if he doesn't like it 
here?  ;-)

On 11/9/12 6:47 AM, Chris Magwood wrote:
> Hi all,
> There's a whole bunch of sb testing activity happening at Queen's 
> University these days, and I was thinking that it might be useful to 
> have those happy agitators at Queen's be part of this list. In 
> particular Sarah Seitz, who's heading up a round of thermal testing, 
> and Colin MacDougall who has been leading testing initiatives for 
> quite some time.
> I know they have some questions about upcoming tests that they'd like 
> to put out to this group, so rather than be a middle man I'd love to 
> just invite them in.
> Chris

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