[GSBN] Congratulations, John Straube

Jim Carfrae jim.carfrae at plymouth.ac.uk
Fri Feb 17 09:18:39 UTC 2012

I would also like to pass on my congratulations to you John.
(guess who's name appears the most in the list of references for my thesis?)

Dr J M J Carfrae
Environmental Building Group
School of Architecture
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus
Plymouth PL4 8AA

jim.carfrae at plymouth.ac.uk<mailto:jim.carfrae at plymouth.ac.uk>
07880 551922
01803 862369

On 16 Feb 2012, at 18:57, Habib John Gonzalez wrote:

Press Release February 13, 2012 from the National Consortium of Housing Research Centers (NCHRC)<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=rsfguecab&et=1109132209395&s=29427&e=001_NHfiXyNZ8qCGsMldWXQXbV5FUjitToh2x-TSMCSPmUfU5pGayDQJkSIBbGmWxB31kgk7kjPYp0y-PuFkXgyUPwsdPZm6jtJ4trqZbufgbs5gjgZu47dPIv2Dml4duuu>

"John Straube, Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo has received the Lifetime Achievement Award in Building Science Education from the National Consortium of Housing Research Centers (NCHRC). Straube received the award as part of the Energy Value in Housing Awards event at the International Builders Show in Orlando on February 8, 2012. Cornell Professor Joseph Laquatra, NCHRC Chair, said of Straube when he presented him with the award, "John has been deeply involved in the areas of building enclosure design, moisture physics, and whole building performance as a researcher, educator, and consultant. Dr. Straube is co-author of the 2005 book, Building Science for Building Enclosures. His work in teaching building science is exemplary and is preparing a generation of engineers to produce buildings that are energy efficient, healthy, comfortable, and durable."

The Lifetime Achievement Award in Building Science Education is a joint effort between the NCHRC and the U.S. Department of Energy to advance the state of building science curricula across the United States and Canada."

Well done and well deserved,

Habib John L Gonzalez
RR#1, S-4, C-12
Crescent Valley, BC
Canada V0G 1H0

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