[GSBN] Clay plaster language for IBC (GSBN Digest, Vol 10, Issue 18)

RT archilogic at yahoo.ca
Tue Jan 17 22:34:08 UTC 2012

On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 16:02:00 -0500, <GSBN-request at sustainablesources.com>  

> From: martin hammer <mfhammer at pacbell.net>
> To: GSBN <GSBN at SustainableSources.com>
> Subject: [GSBN] Clay plaster language for IBC

> I proposed a Strawbale Construction section for the International  
> Building Code (IBC) on January 3.
> One area of this ?code? I feel is under-developed is the part on Clay
> Plaster (and secondarily Soil-Cement).

Not being an Murrican, I don't know anything about the  
(not)"International" BC  but it seems overly cumbersome and not  
particularly effective in achieving what I hope is the intended purpose.

Rather than trying to come up with prescriptive standards for bale  
plasters it would seem to make more sense to specify performance criteria  
for the situation to which the plaster will be subjected.

ie loads and climate do not have one set of conditions when attacking  
brick veneer claddings, another for wood, another for cement plaster and  
another for earthen plasters.

Nor does straw have different requirements for protection when clad by  
each of the preceding.

It would seem to make more sense to simply specify what the straw needs in  
terms of protection from wetting, capacity for drainage/drying, fire  
resistances etc.

Then it would be up to the designers to provide the appropriate  
configurations to provide that protection.

What the IBC document might provide are some tables showing what  
characteristics various cladding materials can provide for specific  
=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada

< A r c h i L o g i c  at  Y a h o o  dot  c a  >
(manually winnow the chaff from my edress if you hit "reply")

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