[GSBN] The saddest news...

John Glassford jacksflat at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 02:15:08 UTC 2011

G ' day Balers

Learned the sad news of Judy's passing via Facebook and I have just signed
back on after our African adventure.

Thanks DE for passing the news on to all of us.

Susan and I met Judy in Tuscon all those years ago on the International
Straw Bale caravan and ISB Conference in San Fransisco.  I will never
forget her talk on the letter C totally inspirational and heart warming.
 We also treasure the video that Matts and Judy sent to us for the ISBC
2002 in Ganmain and Wagga Wagga along with the garland of Mexican chillies
that they sent via DE.

More important are the messages that we received from both of them over the
years messages of encouragement and cajoling us never to give up the fight
for better housing for those that need them most.

To Matts there will always be a bed here for you mate in our straw bale
home that the two of you wonderful people inspired us to build.  We wish
you all the best mate and we know Judy will be watching us all and making
sure that we all stay on track and never to give up and to stay totally
Committed to our goals of better sustainable shelter.

Thanks for the memories Judy.

Kind regards
The Straw Wolf
Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
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