[GSBN] GSBN goes (semi) public

Bill Christensen billc_lists at greenbuilder.com
Mon Dec 19 09:02:18 UTC 2011

(apologies for cross-posts)

Hi folks,

I suspect that many of you have noticed various postings on these lists 
over the years referencing a 'shadowy cabal' known as GSBN - the Global 
Straw Building Network.  They're not really all that shadowy, it turns out.

GSBN was formed back in 1997 or 1998, as the popularity of strawbale 
construction soared and the early leaders of the movement got tired of 
answering "SB 101" questions and wading through the daily piles of email 
on the existing email discussion lists of the time, and began, one by 
one, to unsubscribe and slip quietly away.   In order to provide a 
private area for deeper discussions by working professionals, 
researchers, representatives of local and regional straw-building 
organizations, and the like, and to act as a sort of advisory group for 
The Last Straw Journal (http://thelaststraw.org), we put together a 
private, invitation-only discussion group.

We've long made the archived discussions available to all (see 
<http://sustainablesources.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/GSBN> or use your 
favorite search engine to search for "GSBN" and your favorite topic),  
We're now taking that a step further by opening up GSBN to read-only 
subscribers - you'll receive all the emails, though you won't be allowed 
to post to the general list.

We hope that this will allow more people to better understand the 
intricacies, challenges, and joys of straw construction as it continues 
to spread around the world, and will result in quick adoption of better 
building techniques and wider acceptance by building and insurance 

To join GSBN as a read-only subscriber, please go to 

More information about the GSBN mailing list