[GSBN] help a prisoner

Bruce King bruce at ecobuildnetwork.org
Sat Oct 15 21:22:26 UTC 2011

Here's an interesting item:

Green Building Press received a letter asking us to send every book  
and magazine we have on green building.  I was about to toss it out --  
many of us get requests like this, right? -- but then figured out that  
this guy is in prison and just trying to educate himself with the very  
limited resources available to him.

So I pass this along, in hopes that any of you might be moved to  
help.  His name is William Jennings, aka Carl Glennings, an inmate in  
Pennsylvania.  He would like any books, magazines, picture books,  
catalogs, etc on the subject of LEED homes, Green Building Standards,  
natural home building.  In addition he'd like information packages  
about green home building products and directories.  He seems to  
really want pictures and visual material.

Does anybody have stuff on their shelves that could go in to such a  
package?  We will send him copies of Green Building Press books and  
include anything you might be able to contribute  Send to us and I'll  
put together a box for a Thanksgiving present, so get it to me by  
November 5.

Or mail to him directly if you wish, I'm sure he'll appreciate  
anything you can manage:
William Jennings, aka Carl Glennings
175 Progress Drive
Waynesburg, PA  15370

There's a specific thanks to Ann Edminster for her book, "Energy  
Free", which he purchased, and which I can say in complete objectivity  
you should too if you haven't already.


Bruce King, PE
Green Building Press
bruce at ecobuildnetwork.org
PO Box 6397
San Rafael, CA 94903 USA
(415) 987-7271
follow us on Twitter: @EBNetwork
blog:  http://bruceking.posterous.com/

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