[GSBN] earthen floor sealer in Haiti

Rikki Nitzkin rikkinitzkin at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 17 18:48:30 UTC 2011

> m I the only one who is uncomfortable about the idea of using edible  
> oils (i.e., food) in construction?  My discomfort is partly because  
> that oil is food to all sorts of critters, but also because one way  
> or another you are, by using it, sort of removing it from a hungry  
> person's mouth.

Its more a question of price. When I used "edible oil" its because it  
costs 2-3x less than linseed oil...

salud y paz,

Rikki Jennifer Nitzkin

Self-builder, education and consultation Straw Bale building and Earth  
rikkinitzkin at earthlink.net
0034 657 33 51 62
Aulás, Lerida (Spain)

Coordinator Spanish Straw Bale Network
info at casasdepaja.org

"We have the Right and Responsibility to Create the World we Want to  
Live in"

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