[GSBN] [Strawbale] Recording Studio in Straw

OLIVER SWANN obswann at btopenworld.com
Fri Feb 18 14:23:47 UTC 2011


Here's one on my website.


Tell us how it goes...

Regards, Oliver

From: Rikki Nitzkin <rikkinitzkin at earthlink.net>
To: “ESBN“ <strawbale at amper.ped.muni.cz>; GSBN <GSBN at greenbuilder.com>
Sent: Friday, 18 February, 2011 14:02:24
Subject: [Strawbale] Recording Studio in Straw

Hi all, 

I have gotten a petition from some people interested in building a Recording 
Studio with straw, and they are interested in getting touch with others who have 
already done so.  Can anyone give me contact information for other studios 
(owners or builders)?



Rikki Jennifer Nitzkin

Self-builder, education and consultation Straw Bale building and Earth Plaster
rikkinitzkin at earthlink.net
0034 657 33 51 62
Aulás, Lerida (Spain)

Coordinator Spanish Straw Bale Network
info at casasdepaja.org

"We have the Right and Responsibility to Create the World we Want to Live in" 
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