Habib John Gonzalez habibg at netidea.com
Sat Dec 11 19:17:16 UTC 2010

Dear Ms. Pucci:

For information on European plastered straw bale codes kindly contact Mr. Lars Keller in Denmark ( lars.keller at mail.tele.dk ) or the notorious Bruce King, Peng, at bruce at ecobuildnetwork.org  An extensive summary of testing can be found at http://www.ecobuildnetwork.org/what-we-do/straw-bale-test-program

all the best with your research,

Habib John Gonzalez
Sustainable Works
Habib John Gonzalez
RR#1, S-4, C-12
Crescent Valley, British Columbia
Canada V0G 1H0
250.359.5095, 780.438.0821 Edmonton, AB
"Better the kindness of imperfection than perfection without kindness"

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: maria angela pucci 3 
  To: gsbn at greenbuilder.com 
  Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 11:34 AM

  maria angela pucci
  via enrico toti 31 51016 montecatini terme (pt)
  tel/fax +39 0572 70101 abitazione +39 0572 67362 cell. +39 333 6460725



  I am an italian engineer and I am member of "EDILPAGLIA" the Italian Association Straw Bales Buildings 

  I would be interested in knowing the SWEDISH STRUCTURAL CODES in order to understand if strawbales buildings can be built there.

  particularly, is there anyone who knows if LOAD BEARING structures are accepted in Sweden?

  Could you help me? I didn't succeed in finding them on official websites (http://www.sweden.gov.se etc)

   thank you and.. sorry to bother you

   maria angela pucci

  -- visita il sito di EDILPAGLIA associazione italiana edilizia in paglia


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