[GSBN] Kiko Thébaud Nomination

Darcey Donovan ecoengineering at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 19:10:45 UTC 2010

Dear straw bale friends,


I would like to nominate Kiko Thébaud to the GSBN list.  Kiko is a
Haitian-American architect who has been in discussion with me/PAKSBAB
regarding a straw bale house project in Haiti. 


Kiko was born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  Prior to coming to the
United States for his university education, he was involved in the building
industry in Haiti with a focus on the construction of low cost housing.
Kiko has over twenty-two years of experience as an architect, during which
time he has worked for nationally recognized architecture and urban design
firms in the Boston area and on his own projects.  In 1994, he established
Atelier Thébaud, a design firm with experience primarily in residential
projects along with some commercial buildings.  In 2001, his awareness of,
and concern for the building industry’s impact on the environment led him to
conduct research toward more sustainable and passive energy methods of
construction with a view to introducing these methods to Haiti among other
countries.  Kiko holds a Master of Architecture in Urban Design from Harvard
University, and a Bachelor of Architecture from the Boston Architectural


I believe Kiko’s membership in the GSBN would greatly benefit the project in
Haiti and that he would be a thoughtful contributor to this list.  His email
address is kikothebaud at gmail.com. 


Kind regards,




Darcey Donovan, P.E., C.E.O.

Pakistan Straw Bale and Appropriate Building (PAKSBAB)

P.O. Box 1083

Truckee, CA 96160 USA

(530) 902-5516 cell

(530) 582-4965 fax

0344-9455664 PAK

darceydonovan Skype

darcey at paksbab.org <mailto:ecoengr at sbcglobal.net> 

www.paksbab.org <http://www.paksbab.org/> 


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