[GSBN] A question about mold and insurance

Graeme North graeme at ecodesign.co.nz
Sun Oct 4 20:57:17 UTC 2009

HI David -

I've seen many instances of mould (good English spelling that is)  in  
timber framed houses, concrete houses, brick houses, and is some  
earth brick houses that have dried out a bit slowly when they are  
being built.

Singling out strawbale houses is irrational.

I have seen strawbales that have gone rotten and/or mouldy in poorly  
designed or constructed leaky s/b houses, but generally the good  
insulation value of strawbale walls prevents exterior wall getting  
cold enough for condensation to occur on the interior surfaces of  
strawbale walls and without moisture condensing , mould will not  
start to grow.

As I write it occurs to me that the differentiation needs to be made  
between straw in the bales getting wet and rotting - a design and  
construction issue, and mould forming on interiors which is an  
insulation and ventilation issue.

What is the real concern the insurance co. is expressing?


Graeme North Architects
49 Matthew Road
tel/fax +64 (0)9 4259305

graeme at ecodesign.co.nz

On 3/10/2009, at 11:53 AM, strawnet at aol.com wrote:

> Hi all,
> This came to us at DCAT and I wanted to share it here to see if  
> anyone has information that might help resolve this issue.  
> Obviously the insurance underwriter has the opinion that sb houses  
> are prone to mold, so one question is, based on what evidence or  
> documentation or studies? Of course they are in the driver's seat  
> on this - they can make unsubstantiated claims and the burden is  
> then on us to disprove them if we can. It would be good to hear  
> from John Straube on this, as well as anyone else with information  
> that could help.
> I have told her about the GSBN archives but will try to pass along  
> your responses to her as well. And I have also copied my reply to  
> her, asking if it was OK with her that I post this here, to Joyce  
> at The Last Straw. Thanks for sharing what you all know...
> David
> ------------------
> Question: Have you or do you know of anyone who has researched mold  
> in strawbale houses. I have just been denied insurance because the  
> underwriter states that sb houses are prone to mold. All my  
> research over the past 10 years and during the building process is  
> quite the oppisite, but i need facts to persuade the ignorant. Also  
> my motgage co would love to cancel my loan if the insurance does  
> not come thru. We have been with this company for 4 years and 3 of  
> it during the building process. Are you able to help?
> Thank you Wendy
> ------------------
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