[GSBN] Jumbo Bale Question

Bill Christensen billc at greenbuilder.com
Thu May 7 04:43:07 UTC 2009

At 3:47 PM -0700 5/6/09, martin hammer wrote:
>Those not in the US, please forgive that my numbers are not metric.
>Appendix L in DSBB gives both English and metric, except the tables, which
>list conversion factors.  DSBB generally gives both.  Bill C., what's GSBN
>policy on this??

Is this a test?  If so, yes, I did read through the entire post.  ;-)

GSBN doesn't have an "official" policy; we are all both the officials 
and the officiated.  Most of us, I assume, can run the conversions 
ourselves if needed, though it might be more polite to include both 
English and metric.

I personally find the listing of dual measurements for everything 
somewhat distracting as I can usually do a rough calculation to and 
fro pretty quickly in my head.  (hectares vs acres being the 
exception - I can never remember how many of one fit in the other).

Bill Christensen
billc at greenbuilder.com

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