[GSBN] new energies during wintersleep?

martin oehlmann moehlmann at wanadoo.fr
Sun Dec 14 22:49:42 UTC 2008

Dear GSBN networkers, (hopefully this new version is coming through...)

we see rapid changes all around and there is a potential they can implement "green options" soon.

We do expierence a global economy which is loosing step by step comercially hypes with products which we are expected to buy but which do not necessarily serve our needs and we now do have an excellent chance to implement a new value system which serves our personal as well as our global needs.

So I believe its the best time ever since to offer green building (and other) solutions to those in charge of structural decision making.

Goverments are deciding on large support packages to get the economies going right now. Someone needs to pay for that, guess who? It can be even more interesting if the governements themselves face a sort of bancrupt of the intire system, if their ad hoc decisions on investments are not returning as intented. So best choices here seem to be consequent environmentally and socially sound investments for example in the building industry in passive houses or green refits of existing buildings as expanses for housing and heating are consuming a considerable part in economies. People can be much more involved in these opportunities and profits.

So we need a New Lobby here, a different one which we know of the past, no power games on expenses of others, just the easy clever open way similar like internet is evolving, open structures for fast changes. So imagine in every country a reborn Ministry of Environmentally Happy Housing, which really shares fun of being able to offer and stimulate solutions...

In GSBN there are many members who do have the experience and competence with lobbying. What about putting a package of proposals together, available on a website, there are many people who already do have brilliantt presentations, documentations and this I would say GSBN package will be offered for proposals for different administrations. This can be great publicity for those who share there expertise. The only thing wihch is needed is a thoroughful webmaster/coach, .... does he has time???

One of the proposals could be for example if each administration would have an internet portal, where everybody could offer thoroughly calculated proposals, they could benefit from a free and fast flow of innovation entries and at the same time, their role need to be offering a non-burocratic expertise that moulds benefitial ideas in "impact-projects" without loosing time and money in inefficiency. I mean the EU definitly deserves one like that; but I am sure other Unions too ;-)))

Those of you who concerned for the EU, its no better time than now to be clear and if necessary bold. Let us mail directly for further reflections.

This global network has a lot of new enthousiasm and experience to share. I would be very interested to hear how you perceive the chances of naturally ecological implementation right now and what do you think of that for me a bit long email during my wintersleep?

Just whish you a wonderful Christmas time and an abundant creativity in the New Year,

Martin Oehlmann


PS: our small personal contribution: the house in Plozévet will be branched with solarheating in spring, we expect no need of external heating anymore, the mill will receive a small generator for electricity, so we are almost independent. Maybe a later step will be to produce H2 to use it in a hydrogencell-engine, might be more efficient than electricity... dangerous? its been the paint on the skin of the Zeppelin which burned first ...

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