[GSBN] invitation ESBG 2009 in Belgium

Geert Goffin geert.goffin at telenet.be
Sat Dec 6 01:21:06 UTC 2008

Dear straw bale friends all over the world

to you and to all your straw-connections: feel welcome to the ESBG 2009 in Belgium!

Attached to this email is a simple invitation to announce the ESBG with date and theme. 
During the following months, you will receive more details about program, themes, activities, special guests, registration, price, location, sleeping accomodation, ...

Spread the news in your organization or in your country - keep the end of August 2009 free to participate at this wonderful European strawmeeting! 
And for all the not-Europeans: Belgian beers are the best in the world... besides ... Belgium is a nice excuse to visit the rest of Europe, so why not planning a strawbale-tour throughout good old Europe...  

Vele strogroeten

PS: let me know when your email-address is on more than one of my lists 
PS: new addresses are always welcome


Geert Goffin
voorzitter Casa Calida vzw
Strobouwplatform België
0032-(0)12-213 297
info at casacalida.be
geert.goffin at telenet.be
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