[GSBN] Admin: New list software

billc billc_lists at greenbuilder.com
Fri May 16 02:56:15 UTC 2008

Hi folks,

A little administrative work here.

We just moved the GSBN list to some new list software.  The preferred 
posting address is GSBN at greenbuilder.com (ie, take the "lists" part 
out), though we'll continue to support mail to the "lists" address as 

You can now change your mail settings yourself through a web page at 
<http://greenbuilder.com/mailman/listinfo/GSBN/>.  Each email address 
was assigned a machine-generated password, which you'll be sent in a 
monthly "help" email (you can change it if you'd like, and you can 
also retrieve it via the above page), and you'll need that password 
to change your status.  This will be handy for those of you who wish 
to temporarily suspend mail while you're away from home, but don't 
want to hassle me with unsubscribing/resubscribing you, as well as 
for those of you who want to be able to SEND from multiple addresses, 
but only want to receive at one.

List archives from today forward will also be available from that 
page (automatically, hooray!), and I've entered a link to the earlier 
archives as well.  These are both open to anyone.  One of these days 
I'll catch up and run the archives for the period between Dec 07 and 
today, too.

List members can also see a list of all GSBN subscribers from that 
page (also password protected).

As always, let me know if you have any questions about the list's functioning.

Bill Christensen
billc at greenbuilder.com

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