<TITLE>Re: [GSBN] Bullet Resistance of Straw Bale Walls</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:10pt'>Hi Darcey,<BR>
CASBA member Rebecca Tasker has on the website of her Simple Construct company the following:<BR>
“Anecdotal evidence from Israel tells us that straw bale walls can stop bullets from an AK47.”<BR>
<a href="http://simpleconstruct.net/straw-bale/about-straw-bale-building/">http://simpleconstruct.net/straw-bale/about-straw-bale-building/</a><BR>
Maybe she can guide you more. Her e-mail address is: <a href="rebecca@simpleconstruct.net">rebecca@simpleconstruct.net</a><BR>
Don’t know if you’ve done a google search with different key words. If not you might try.<BR>
On 8/16/16, 11:15 AM, "Darcey Donovan" <<a href="darcey@paksbab.org">darcey@paksbab.org</a>> wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE="4"><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Hello friends,<BR>
Are there any tests out there regarding the bullet resistance of straw bale walls? It is a concern in Pakistan, and I've received an inquiry about it and if cement plaster would increase it. <BR>
Our bales are 13" thick and we use earthen plasters, lime-stabilized earthen plasters and lime plasters.<BR>
Darcey Messner Donovan, P.E.<BR>
Pakistan Straw Bale and Appropriate Building (PAKSBAB)<BR>
+1-530-902-5516 Ph<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><a href="darcey@paksbab.org">darcey@paksbab.org</a></FONT> <<a href="mailto:darcey@paksbab.org">mailto:darcey@paksbab.org</a>> <BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF">www.paksbab.org</FONT> <www.paksbab.org> <BR>
</SPAN></FONT></FONT><FONT FACE="Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:10pt'><BR>
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