<TITLE>Re: [GSBN] Insurance</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:9pt'>Hi Mark,<BR>
Does “no market” mean they don’t see any SB homes come across their desk, or is that a euphemism for a policy to not insure because they view SB homes as risky structures. <BR>
If it’s the former, why should that matter? As soon as one SB home is on their desk, that’s a market and a customer.<BR>
If it’s the latter, I wonder if telling and showing them that a Strawbale Construction appendix was approved for the 2015 International Residential Code could change the policy.<BR>
Good luck.<BR>
Martin Hammer<BR>
On 5/9/14 9:28 AM, "Mark Jensen" <<a href="markj@redfeather.org">markj@redfeather.org</a>> wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:9pt'>Greetings all,<BR>
I am working on a straw bale home here in Montana and the bank is asking about homeowners insurance. My resource in the past no longer has a market for straw bale and calling many of the insurance companies from the straw bale registry have been reporting the same thing, no market. This can't be true as we are building homes all over the place and we must be insuring them. My work with Red Feather, we used Amerind Insurance, but they only provide for American Indians.<BR>
Thank you for your responses.<BR>
I hope to see ya all in NZ 2016!<BR>
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