G ' day Balers<br><br>Sounds good to me bales for Haiti. Remember it was an earthquake and if you have not seen the work been done by Darcy Donovan here is a story posted some time ago now:<br><br>(Just scroll down)<br>
<br><a href="http://glassford.com.au/main/?paged=5">http://glassford.com.au/main/?paged=5</a><br><br>Also you must all have seen the video of the test done in Reno:<br><br><a href="http://imedia.unr.edu/shakertables/straw_bail_house_test_270.mov">http://imedia.unr.edu/shakertables/straw_bail_house_test_270.mov</a><br>
<br>I love the hand baler that the Pakistanis are using.<br><br>Seeing there is high unemployment in Haiti and if there is any rice straw in the paddocks then the hand balers would work.<br><br>Anyone know how Darcy is going last time I heard Darcy was still in Pakistan?<br>
<br>Kind regards<br>The Straw Wolf<br>Huff 'n' Puff Constructions<br><a href="http://www.glassford.com.au">http://www.glassford.com.au</a><br>61 2 6927 6027<br>In Australia (02) 6927 6027<br><br>Mountains of the Moon 2011<br>
<a href="http://www.mountainsofthemoon.org">http://www.mountainsofthemoon.org</a><br><br>