I would like to share these presentations with the strawbale group:<br><br>This first is the presentation on BSF technology that some of you are already familiar with. This presentationa has been modified quite a bit.<a href="http://www.esrla.com/pdf/Brazil.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.esrla.com/pdf/Brazil.pdf</a>
We will soon be shipping a container of pods to the USA. There are new
designs for the drainage of liquids, and we designed pallet racks
specifically for supporting the large units.<br>
<br>The second is a presentation on a composting program I am organizing in the highland areas of Vietnam. <a href="http://www.esrla.com/pdf/composting.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.esrla.com/pdf/composting.pdf</a>
I am out of my field here, but I have had some help from James Kalin
of California and Mike Richard of Louisiana. Here in the highlands of Dalat BSF are
present, but in very small numbers. These compost bins will serve as
seeding units for the cultivation of large wild populations. Once
BSF are present in sufficient numbers, we will begin to install
bioconversion units to harvest the larvae.<br>
<br>The third is about the recycling of residential waste in the USA
and Europe. It features my separation technology in the processing of
residential shredder residue. <a href="http://www.esrla.com/pdf/rsr.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.esrla.com/pdf/rsr.pdf</a>
Municipalities in the USA do not have to wait five or ten years to
initiate a total landfill avoidance program. This can begin now.<br><br>However this concept presupposes the source separation of food waste as
well as the source-separation of most recyclable paper and cardboard.
Here I introduce the idea of an aerated storage unit for biodegradable waste that does away with the need for its daily collection. You will see
here a parallel with the Vietnam presentation. James Kalin is
introducing this separation technology to the state of California.<br>
<br>Many thanks.<br>Paul<br><br>-- <br>Paul A. Olivier <br>27c Pham Hong Thai, Ward 10<br>Dalat City<br>Lam Dong Province<br>Vietnam<br> <br>Louisiana telephone: 1-337-447-4124 (rings Vietnam)<br>Mobile: 0906941573 (in Vietnam)<br>
Mobile: 84-906941573 (outside Vietnam)<br>Skype address: Xpolivier<br>
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