<TITLE>Re: [GSBN] Any strawbale in Hawaii, Delaware or New Jersey</TITLE>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12.0px'>Joyce and Laura (and others who are interested),<BR>
I spoke with Tim Owen-Kennedy yesterday and he gave info re: SB in Hawaii and N.J. as follows:<BR>
He designed and built with workshops two SB buildings on the Big Island of Hawaii in 1996.<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><UL><LI><FONT FACE="Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12.0px'>An 18’ radius community kitchen in Pahoa on Papaya Farms Rd. SE of Hilo
</SPAN></FONT><LI><FONT FACE="Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12.0px'>A 1200 sq.ft. Residence in Humakua (?) west of Hilo. <BR>
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He will try to get at least one on the sb registry, but is not sure if he can track down the current owners. He suspects there are more SB buildings in Hawaii because those were built over 10 years ago.<BR>
He consulted on a SB residence in New Jersey in 2002 or 2003. It probably is the two residence project in </SPAN><FONT SIZE="4"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:13.0px'>Blairstown NJ built on Genesis Farm described by Darren Port. I wonder who the right person is to pursue getting that project on the sb registry. Laura, could you communicate with Darren Port about this?<BR>
Tim confessed to not having any of his 60 SB buildings on the sb registry and wants to rectify that. I only put the first of mine on it this year. I’m publicly poking Tim and me, and any other GSBN members who are a similar category, for us to get as many on as possible. I do understand that some owners are reluctant due to perceived privacy issues, but as Joyce has pointed out, there are ways of registering the building while maintaining privacy. The more buildings on the better. There is strength in numbers.<BR>
Tim says that although he is silent on the GSBN for long stretches of time, he reads the dialogue, but sometimes not soon enough to respond. He’s usually busy adding to his 60 building count and doing lots of experimenting with plasters and other materials. Tim, do you want to fill us in on your latest experiments when you get a chance?<BR>
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Martin, do you know who the owners and/or builders of the house in New Jersey and in Hawaii are? <BR>
on 6.3.2008 9:34 PM, Martin Hammer at mfhammer@pacbell.net wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12.0px'>Hi Laura,<BR>
There is at least one straw bale building in New Jersey (my home state!) and Hawaii. Tim Owen-Kennedy designed and/or built one in each (if you need specifics I can try to get them from Tim, or encourage him to put them on the SB Registry). I was happy to see a building in Mississippi recently added to the SB Registry. That leaves only Delaware, and if there isn’t one already, we should all go build one there! I agree it would be great to say without qualification there is at least one straw bale building in every state.<BR>
Martin (I’m not Del-aware of one) Hammer<BR>
In preparing for the briefing, I am trying to see if there are any straw bales in these states that do not have listings on the Int'l Straw Bale Registry. Wouldn't it be great to report there are straw bales in all 50 states? (Of course, only if it is true). I've already been in touch with Bill Christensen and this went out on the strawbale listserve.<BR>
Please pass this to any other contacts who may have info. <BR>
</SPAN><FONT SIZE="6"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:24.0px'>Laura Bartels<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#4C721D"><B><I>GreenWeaver Inc.<BR>
</I></B></FONT></SPAN></FONT><B><I><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12.0px'>P.O. Box 912, Carbondale, CO 81623<BR>
Ph 970-379-6779, Fax 970-963-0905<BR>
</SPAN></I></B><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12.0px'> <BR>
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