<TITLE>SB Registry</TITLE>
Laura and fellow GSBNers,<BR>
I sent an email to every email address I had in the TLS database for Hawaii subscribers past and present... most were returned as undeliverable but I did receive one message saying that the person did not know of any sb buildings on the islands... Doesn't mean there isn't one... just that the person didn't have knowledge of any.<BR>
There are only two past subscribers listed for Delaware. I sent an email to Darren Laporte asking for his help in determining how many bale buildings there might be in New Jersey - haven't heard back from him.<BR>
I do sorts of the TLS database periodically to determine subscription numbers by states and countries - and have reported this from time to time in TLS - in addition to gaining information from the SB Registry which TLS sponsors. About two years ago, I also sent an email to the GSBN asking for numbers by countries and heard back from a handful of people on the list. I'm sure there has been an increase in this number since then. I have tried to get all of the 40 bale buildings in Nebraska (historic and new) listed, but there is some resistance by owners about having information about their buildings on the Internet - even though there is provision for keeping some of the information private. This may be true of owners in other locales as well, but I keep trying.<BR>
Jeff Ruppert is using this SB Registry database as the source of information for a future column he's writing for TLS... so it does get used, maybe not enough. Chris Magwood also used the SB Registry to survey homeowners for TLS issue #45/Spring 2004. And the registry is a good source for connecting people who are looking for buildings to visit or trying to learn about building conditions in their area and experiences others have had, as well as the more technical data.<BR>
Will appreciate everyone's continued efforts to keep the SB Registry updated. <BR>
6.3.2008 4:33 PM, Laura Bartels at laura@greenweaverinc.com wrote:<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Somehow that last email got away before I could write this... They are slippery sometimes.<BR>
In preparing for the briefing, I am trying to see if there are any straw bales in these states that do not have listings on the Int'l Straw Bale Registry. Wouldn't it be great to report there are straw bales in all 50 states? (Of course, only if it is true). I've already been in touch with Bill Christensen and this went out on the strawbale listserve.<BR>
Please pass this to any other contacts who may have info. <BR>
Laura Bartels<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#4C721D"><FONT SIZE="4"><B><I>GreenWeaver Inc.<BR>
</I></B></FONT></FONT><B><I>P.O. Box 912, Carbondale, CO 81623<BR>
Ph 970-379-6779, Fax 970-963-0905<BR>
</I></B> <BR>
GSBN mailing list<BR>