[GSBN] National Gathering in Spain May 2022

Rikki Nitzkin rikkinitzkin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 17:14:42 UTC 2021

Hi all, 

We are beginning to plan a national gathering in Spain for May 2022. We would like to invite some international expert(s) to share their knowledge with us. We like to make it visible that this is an international movement. The conference will be possible through streaming, if the person(s) cannot come in person.

The “theme” of the event is simple “Different ways of building with straw” - focusing not only on building systems, but also formats: using prefabricated panels, hand built by professionals, collaboration between pros and self-builders, building in community, etc. We would also like to include something about rehabilitation with straw, and different options for certification (“eco” stamps on the project, passive house, etc.).

However, we feel that if the conference is to be given online it would be difficult and uncomfortable to translate. So if you know anyone that speaks good Spanish, with something worthwhile to share with us, please send me their contact information so I can explain more. 

Thanks, Rikki

Rikki Nitzkin
Straw Building and Earthen Plasters: training, consulting and building
www.tallerconco.org <http://www.tallerconco.org/>
https://www.facebook.com/TallerConCo <https://www.facebook.com/TallerConCo>
tallerconco at gmail.com <mailto:tallerconco at gmail.com>
+34 657 335 162

President and Professional Member of: 
www.casasdepaja.org <http://www.casasdepaja.org/>; 
Board of Directors of ESBA http://www.strawbuilding.eu <http://www.strawbuilding.eu/>
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