[GSBN] Looking for Work in New Zealand

StrawTec info at strawtec.com.au
Tue Feb 12 02:43:11 UTC 2019


Hi Folks


I would like to introduce New Zealand to a wonderful young woman - Alice


Alice is leaving Australia and heading to New Zealand on the 20th March
2019. I would very much appreciate it if there is someone in the industry
who is looking for a fantastic and talented builder/renderer to take on
Alice for their project. Alice is experienced in both building and repair.


Alice came to me initially as a Volunteer, having learned her craft under
Barbara Jones in the UK. I quickly took Alice on as an employee, she has
worked for me now for 6 months. Whilst in Australia Alice has also worked
for Peter Hickson, the President of Mudbrick Association of Australia. 


If you have a place for Alice on your Team, you can email her at
aliceprior.prior at gmail.com <mailto:aliceprior.prior at gmail.com> 




Frank Thomas


Email:  <mailto:info at strawtec.com.au> info at strawtec.com.au

Website:  <http://www.strawtec.com.au/> www.strawtec.com.au


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