[GSBN] How to nominate

Pete Walker P.Walker at bath.ac.uk
Tue Aug 14 20:19:31 UTC 2018

Hi Bill

No need to forward to all….

Just to clarify it was Barbara who approached me to nominate her (which I was of course very happy to do). I presume her email must have changed as she no longer gets the GSBN emails. I have copied in Barbara to hopefully resolve.

Best regards


From: Gsbn <gsbn-bounces at sustainablesources.com> on behalf of Bill Christensen <lists at sustainablesources.com>
Reply-To: Global Straw Building Network <gsbn at sustainablesources.com>
Date: Sunday, 12 August 2018 at 06:54
To: "gsbn at sustainablesources.com" <gsbn at sustainablesources.com>
Subject: Re: [GSBN] How to nominate

I was able to check the list members tonight.

Barbara Jones is still on.  But apparently she has been reading even less frequently than I have, as she didn't speak up!  ;-)

I also grabbed a list of the subscribed addresses which are allowed to post.  I'll send that out to you all offlist (for privacy, so it's not automatically published on the web as part of this list), and you can have a look through the names and let me know if there are any which have changed, and encourage your other friends who are not yet on the list to join.

On 8/11/18 1:09 PM, Bill Christensen wrote:
Hi Folks!

Sorry for the slow response - I've been working a "real job" doing software testing 50-60 hrs a week and have fallen behind in my GSBN reading.

So, a little Administrivia:

This discussion list has two modes:

1) Anyone can subscribe themselves at

and 'listen in' to the conversations, but can not participate.  Also known as Lurker Mode.

2) Those who have been nominated/approved by the group to post.  I manually add those people by clicking a checkbox on their existing subscription.

So in order to nominate a member with posting privileges, first get your nominee to sign up at step 1.  This avoids having their email address posted in the archives, and gives them a chance to see how the list operates.  THEN nominate them for full posting privileges.  If after a week or so nobody objects, I'll add the ability to post.  (objections can be sent to me offlist.)  We don't really need to fill up the list with seconds on nominations, though of course those of you who have posting ability can if you so desire.

Barbara Jones used to be a member.  I don't know if she still is, as the mail list portion of the server is currently having problems, and I'm 20 miles away so I can't kick it.  I seem to remember her leaving the list some time back due to Email Overload.  I'll check and see if she's still there once the server is behaving again.

On 8/3/18 9:17 AM, Pete Walker wrote:

I would to like nominate Barbara Jones, of Straw Works UK, to become a member of The GSBN,

best wishes

Pete Walker


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Bill Christensen



Dance like nobody's watching.

Encrypt like everyone is.

--Adrián Lamo


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Gsbn at sustainablesources.com<mailto:Gsbn at sustainablesources.com>



Bill Christensen



Dance like nobody's watching.

Encrypt like everyone is.

--Adrián Lamo
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