[GSBN] Sharing thoughts on pros and cons of using straw as a building material.

Andrew Webb andrew at thegreenwebb.com
Sun Jul 29 11:39:30 UTC 2018

I often hear of straw bale building's low cost. I have yet to see any 
evidence of that (going on 15 years since my first building). It remains 
a premium building method. Good, but costly due to labour component. Not 
as labour intensive as light straw clay, though.

Bale building becomes economical when it needs to achieve more than 
typical residential building performance; such as when compared to other 
methods of building an acoustic wall, for example.

I like straw. It can produce a high quality building. It isn't cheap if 
you are paying market rates for labour in Australia.


Andrew Webb
andrew at thegreenwebb.com

On 29/07/2018 6:52 AM, John Glassford wrote:
> Morning Lars
> We are at the start of a drought here down under especially the 
> Eastern States of Queensland and New South Wales.
> Straw is still available and we look forward to the next harvest in 
> November.
> Victoria will have straw bales.  Plenty to meet the needs of our 
> "fledgling" industry of straw bale building.
> #1 Benefit for using straw here in Australia is that a vast amount of 
> straw is burnt each and every year.  Almost a million tonnes just from 
> rice straw.
> #2 Benefit straw consumes a fraction of the energy that goes into 
> making bricks and concrete blocks.
> #3 Benefit we have now built in areas of very high bush fire attack 
> levels, not many products on the market today can equal straw bale.
> #4 Benefit comes back to cost and even in the drought it is still more 
> economical than bricks or weatherboard.
> I have no arguments in the opposite!
> Say G' day to Jo!
> The Straw Wolf
> Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
> http://www.glassford.com.au
> 61 2 6927 6027
> In Australia (02) 6927 6027
> Mobile 0412 11 61 57
> *0498 190 880 <tel:0498%20190%20880>*
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