[GSBN] Wheat straw glue?

Chris Magwood chris at endeavourcentre.org
Thu May 24 12:58:46 UTC 2018

Hi again,

While I'm bombarding the list, I'd like to throw this out to the 
assembled brains in attendance...

I have been reading the attached report on Hemp-Straw Composites, and 
trying to figure out what they mean by "wheat straw glue." They use 
wheat straw in two ways... one they finely grind the straw, mix it with 
hemp, and then add heat and pressure to release the lignin in the straw. 
I understand this one, and would definitely want to know how much heat 
and pressure, because that kind of treatment could negate the carbon 
emissions benefits, or at least greatly reduce them. The other is 
proprietary, and they call it a "wheat straw infusion."

Does anybody know anything about "wheat straw infusion" glue? Kind of 
seems like it could be awfully useful in pursuing new ways to use straw 
in buildings...


Chris Magwood Director, Endeavour Centre www.endeavourcentre.org

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