[GSBN] FYI: Searching GSBN archives the easy way

Bill Christensen lists at sustainablesources.com
Tue Oct 10 20:27:15 UTC 2017

Correction:  That's TWENTY years, not thirty.  Still, it's a lot to wade 
through if you're looking for that one nugget of wisdom...

(uh oh.  I'm losing track of time! Or losing the ability to add and 

Also:  If you happened to try searching recently you might have run into 
some unavailable posts - there was a misconfiguration which caused the 
last 9 years or so to come up as "Forbidden".

The problem has now been fixed.

On 9/12/17 8:32 PM, Bill Christensen wrote:
> Yes, our archives (nearly 30 years worth!) can be a lot to sift 
> through!  The good news is that a) the search engines regularly index 
> the archives and b) there are very few other instances of our subject 
> line identifier,  "[GSBN]", out there.
> Go to Google or your other favorite search engine
> Enter: [GSBN] followed by the topic/keyword(s) of your choice
> for instance:
>     [GSBN] clay paint
> or
>     [GSBN] chemical sensitivity
> et voila, lots of results without digging through 30 years worth of 
> posts.
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Bill Christensen

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