[GSBN] energy efficiency.

Rikki Nitzkin rikkinitzkin at gmail.com
Fri May 12 11:05:48 UTC 2017

A reporter for a National newspaper here in Spain wants to write an article on SB. 

She asks me: what is the % of energy savings in a SB house?

Can anyone give me a ball-park figure? o a link to somewhere with reliable data?

I usually compare the centimeters of insulation in a conventional house, to that of SB. But I don’t have the data on what the difference is in real savings…

thanks, Rikki

Rikki Nitzkin
Strawbale Building and Clay Plaster:
education, consulting, and building

tallerconco at gmail.com
(+ 34) 657 335 162

Coordinator & Professional Member of:

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