[GSBN] Bullet Resistance of Straw Bale Walls

john rehorn rehorn at frontier.net
Wed Aug 17 00:38:53 UTC 2016

I’d be willing to give it a try and document it on video.  I’m guessing that the caliber of bullet used for armed conflict is similar to a 30-30, and my guess is that it would go right through it at 100 feet.  Cement plaster would slow it quite a bit.  Want me to set it up?  I probably need to do it in September when farming slows down.  No paperwork would be required, LOL.

John Rehorn
> On Aug 16, 2016, at 3:31 PM, John Glassford <jacksflat at gmail.com <mailto:jacksflat at gmail.com>> wrote:
> G ' day Darcy
> I remember a conversation with the Straw Dogs when we visited California on the Great International Straw Bale Caravan from Tuscon to San Francisco cannot exactly remember the year 1998 I think.
> Turko Semmes <http://semmesco.com/> and the other Straw Dog talked about firing certain types of guns into straw bales.
> It was a fun morning and we laughed a lot however the conversation is sort of fuzzy now but I am sure they said that a rendered SB would stop a .303 bullet.  I may be wrong.
> Kind regards
> John Glassford
> Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
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