[GSBN] Bullet Resistance of Straw Bale Walls

Darcey Donovan darcey at paksbab.org
Tue Aug 16 18:15:32 UTC 2016

Hello friends,


Are there any tests out there regarding the bullet resistance of straw bale
walls? It is a concern in Pakistan, and I've received an inquiry about it
and if cement plaster would increase it. 


Our bales are 13" thick and we use earthen plasters, lime-stabilized earthen
plasters and lime plasters.






Darcey Messner Donovan, P.E.

Pakistan Straw Bale and Appropriate Building (PAKSBAB)

+1-530-902-5516 Ph

 <mailto:darcey at paksbab.org> darcey at paksbab.org



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