[GSBN] heat capacity of a strawbale wall?

Jakub Wihan kuba at jakubwihan.com
Tue Jun 28 07:59:07 UTC 2016

Hello All,

I am asking for a possible lead.

We are working with an energy specialists who predict buildings energy performance by using modelling software. However, they don’t have any experience in modelling a strawbale wall and it makes me wonder, when I see them considering this to be a "light weight” - in terms of thermal mass - scenario.

I know from my own experience and rare research (I found 2 scientific case studies so far), that the strawbales have a great potential in storing heat and releasing it. I suspect that Thermal Inertia and Specific Heat Conductivity in the fibrous and highly hygroscopic material such as straw will be dynamic (due to capillary condensation = latent heat) and might prove a “mid-heavy” weight building material. 

Various literature mentions Specific Heat Capacity of straw to be 250-2000J/kgK. 

Would you happen to know if there is any research exploring dynamic behaviour of straw in regards to thermal storage capacity? What static value would you suggest feeding into a modelling software to model thermal behaviour of straw somehow accurately?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Jakub Wihan
Architectural Designer

www.strawworks.co.uk <http://www.strawworks.co.uk/>  Find us on Facebook! <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Straw-Works-Ltd/304438069599947>
Limited company registered in England and Wales Reg Number:7695994 Registered address: Hollinroyd Farm Todmorden OL14 8RJ Member of the Federation of Small Businesses
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